Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Take on those who refuse to take the vaccine

As the vaccines roll out around the country, there is a real question as to who will take them and who won't. I'm shocked how many people are in the non vaccine camp and figure the Venn diagram of people who won't take this vaccine and who refuse to wear a match looks a lot like a a perfect circle
I've had a horrible 2020 as have most of my friends, but when I speak to somebody whose kid was exposed and they say "quarantine smorantine" it drives me nuts. Here we are taking every precaution while friends and neighbors still treat this thing like the common cold because they "are over it"
I am happy about one thing, the more people that opt out means that I get to move up on the line. Like standing waiting for Space a mountain and the family in front of you gets ring by a bee or has an emergency bathroom trip.
As a buddy said earlier I see the vaccine as a Darwinism in practice

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