Monday, December 14, 2020

Take on the resignation of Bill Barr

When your presidency is so compromised that even Bill Barr has given up, I don't know what to think any more. Barr was going to make up for Jeff Sessions by being a complete sycophant but even he has some morals albeit took years to dig deep enough to actually find them. Barr refused to go along with Trump election fraud claims and he didn't release the Hunter Biden stuff both of which irked the Orange one and lead many to expect him to fire Barr. Barr beat him to the punch leaving his agency about 45 days till the administration implodes officially. I'm not sure what the point is, he certainly will always be seen as a Trump enabler and nothing he doesn't in this departure changes anything for me.

I'm sure he celebrated by hitting the all you can eat buffet dressed as Roseanne.

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