Thursday, August 6, 2020

Take on the NRA lawsuit

Letitia James hinted she was going to make a big announcement today and everybody assumed she was going to go after Trump Org.

She instead filed a lawsuit to dissolve the NRA which has a lot of validity we're sure. Dissolving the NRA would also take the bite out of Big Gun and would hopefully lead to some needed sensible gun reform as we have lived through enough school shootings to last a lifetime

Lastly as a huge sponsor to Trump's 2016 campaign, keeping their money out of the 2020 campaign may help our country regain its sanity

The problem is that the timing of this gives the Trump campaign an issue to rally their base. Their "Biden will come after your guns" rhetoric will be front page news and will potentially invigorate the crazies.

Anyway, thoughts and prayers to the entire NRA

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