Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Take on Jerry Falwell Jr’s bizarre photo

When you share a name with your old man, you are bound to be a kind of weirdo. Look at little Don, who has spent his entire life trying to live up to a man who people shouldn't even look down upon as he's not even worth their glance.
Jerry Falwell Jr is no exception to my rule, he's been a hypocritical loser for ever who has a pool boy on the side. But when a photo emerged of the Liberty University President standing with a chick with a bad wig with his pants undone, we had enough
Forget the fact that this guy's endorsement somehow convinced evangelicals that Trump is not only not the anti-Christ but somehow they now believe he's the second coming. Falwell has made a career out of lying, stealing and sending his followers astray. He's really the perfect moral leader for somebody who is the definition of immoral

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