Sunday, March 1, 2020

Take on mayor Pete

Mayor Pete our country before self and dropped out even after strong Iowa and New Hampshire showings. He knew his party to the White House had been reduced to virtual zero and by staying in through Super Tuesday he would continue to split the moderate votes and in turn fracture the party. This is not the time to be cute, this is a time the Democrats must take the White House back...not because I think their policies are better but because we need to move on from Trump.
I'm not overly impressed by Biden and his age scares me which is why TOR is stating firmly that he should immediately pick Kamala Harris as his running mate and take this thing home. A ticket of Biden's experience and Harris' credibility will lock up both the suburban moms and the black vote, both of which they will need to win this election.

Make Pete the Secretary of State, Klobuchar the Secretary of the Interior, Warren Treasury, Obama onto the Supreme Court and Steyer a new position Secretary of the Global Warming

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