Monday, March 2, 2020

Take on Amy and Pete

Pete and Amy would make for an interesting pair of bedfellows and tonight will be the first time we see the two of them working with a common goal. In fairness I believe they both got into the race to stop Donald Trump and by dropping out and falling in line behind Joe Biden, they both understand the gravity of the moment.
I'm always interested how former rivals act in situations like this and Amy and Pete certainly had some public spars recently, so we'll see how warm their embrace is tonight. I expect they will be cordial and distant. They must realize their politics aren't far apart, neither are their midwestern routes, so it can't be that hard to -at least - agree on a policy perspective

The most important part now is getting Steyer on board and reeling in Kamala as the VP to complete the ticket. We need a united front for the next eight months and although Joe wasn't my first, second or third choice, he's America's horse and we need to ride that horse across the finish pulling along the senate and house too.

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