Monday, March 9, 2020

Take on Matt Gaetz.

Matt Gaetz was a despicable human way before last week when he wore a gas mask in an attempt to show the world they were overreacting. Chances are Gaetz hadn't read the news because he was either too drunk or too busy kissing Trump's gigantic pimpled ass and you can't hold him responsible for having to be responsible because he's just a lonely congressman whose main function is to stoke fear and stroke dear leader

Now Matt Gaetz is quarantined for 14 days joining Ted Cruz and Mark Meadows all of whole have spent time felating the president in recent days. Of course Trump won't quarantine himself but maybe we can offer to get him an island somewhere in the middle of nowhere, put up 18 holes, drop him, Gaetz, Cruz and Meadows from a helicopter and call it a day.

If we forget to pick them up in 14 days, so be it. They'll be happy and so will we

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