Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Take on Jill Stein

I have no idea when it happened but somehow I must have pissed off @DrJillStein enough for her to block me on Twitter. I can't remember what I may have said but I doubt I ever tweeted directly at her.

I've made a few passing references to what seems like a consorted attack from the far left in the 2016 election. It was hard to know if she was intimately involved in this hard left flank or if she was being propped up by Russian trolls without her knowledge or consent but her voters certainly didn't help Hillary's case especially in highly contested states and they should carry the burden of Trump as much as anybody

There was also that time when I compared her with Ben Stein and said he campaign was seemed to designed as a pay for play gameshow to syphon off Hillary voters. Unknown money gave her influence made her campaign somewhat relevant and exposed a fault line in Hillary's candidacy one which Trump would used masterfully

Then I theorized that at some point that help and unknown money was coming from the Kremlin brought about with online trolls and vitriol much like her compatriot Tulsi is doing now destroying our democracy all to please her Kremlin handlers.

Actually I guess I do know why she blocked me

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