Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Take on the impartial juror

Trump buddy Harvey Weinstein went to court today as the first parts of his trial started and it began with judge dismissing 43 potential jurors who were determined to not be impartial

The potential jurors were asked if they read news coverage of the case as they either worked in the entertainment industry or had read something about the case.

This is what I don't understand about these high profile cases how can they ever expect to get an impartial juror based on their criteria. I get the entertainment thing but to dismiss because somebody has read something about it is ludicrous.

It was on the front page of every paper, the lead story on every station and still splattered across every rag in the Stop and Shop checkout aisle.

I never understand how they can expect somebody who has never read anything on any case which is high profile. If the person is honest they would be some weird hermit

Great let's let the Unibomber decide every high profile case

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