Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Take on the dumbest president

Trump's national security team showed up at the White House this morning and we have about as much confidence in this group as we would Ronald, Grimace and the Hamburglar.
When you have systematically removed all the career diplomats from a state department, have fired all the people with experience in diplomacy, have left your cupboard bare when it comes to brain power and the leader of the group has the intellectual curiosity of a house plant it might be a sign that getting into an armed conflict isn't the best idea
Trump ran on a platform of getting out of the Middle East and an end to endless wars and has now solidified the exact opposite position. We are going to be in this mess for the foreseeable future and that's if the entire thing deescalates. If it does the opposite and it intensifies as we expect then we are looking at another decade of armed conflict.

Thanks Trump

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