Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Take on Trump’s obsession with not getting booed at a sporting event.

Trump is traveling the country trying to go to any sporting event where he won't be booed. We know that sports like baseball haven't been kind to him which makes sense as it's a game whose demographics doesn't overlap with his typical supporter (poor white uneducated with a pickup truck on the front lawn). He figured the UFC thing would be more his style but even there he was booed heartedly. So now he's going to the Deep South for an LSU v Bama game which he has to figure plays better

But here is my prediction, these are college kids who are white but not uneducated by virtue of being college kids, it may not be overwhelming like it would be for a concert at the Met but there will be a vocal faction who will boo and as anybody who has ever been to an event knows, a boo rings through the crowd a lot more loudly than a cheer does. Maybe it's the octave, maybe it's that the vocal cords can project boo better than yay or maybe it cuts through the noise but a 50-50 crowd booing sounds like an entire arena

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