Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Take on Rudy’s latest take

I just can't keep track of the president's defense of the Ukraine call, they really are throwing everything against the wall hoping something will stick.

Today Little Don revealed the whistleblowers name In an attempt to discredit him/her and in the process sell a bunch of his crappy books.

After that Rudy butt dialed again this time typing up a crazy indictment of the entire process which admits he was on a personal mission for the president for political gain which would make it sound very quid pro quo-ey.

But this is what happens when people are trying to get off of a sinking ship, they distance themselves from the fat guy who is going to bring down the life rafts and leave him sitting alone on the deck

Hope Rudy trips on the way and the last lifeboat takes off leaving him and daddy Trump to man the ship.

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