Saturday, February 23, 2019

Take on the Trump Trade Tariffs

Maybe Trump actually isn't as bright as we were told. Maybe his business acumen actually isn't that stellar and his negotiation skills leave something to be desired. Watching him renegotiate NAFTA right into a new rebranded NAFTA proves that he doesn't quite understand anything other than branding. Now this Chinese deal is once again on the verge of collapse because Trump doesn't understand the basic terminology and then when he's told what it is, he lectures the entire room on his interpretation.
What is most maddening about the China 301 tariffs is that although we've heard a bunch of bluster about China paying for them, the 10% tariff burden in being paid by American companies importing goods and indirectly upon American consumers paying higher prices. It's not a tax on China, it's a tax on us and in many places where no domestic industry exists to protect, its shortsighted, costly and plain dumb
But then again Trump doesn't care unless he can take credit for a success

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