Saturday, February 23, 2019

Take on Bob Kraft

Bob Kraft got busted for getting an Ajji Massajji at an Asian Day spa which in this day and time means this will be news for 4 hours maybe 5. The more interesting news was when Adam Schefter said that Bob Kraft wasn't the biggest name caught up in this thing and it got us to thinking, what is a bigger name than Bob Kraft??

In terms of sports, he's pretty recognizable.
Bob Kraft is about as well known a sports owner there is. Maybe Jerry Jones or Mark Cuban is more recognizable but that's about it

That puts the next person as a pretty big sports star which in football makes that Tom Brady or in baseball maybe Bryce Harper but neither seem the type. Basketball has much bigger stars so it could be LeBron or Steph and being in Jupiter Florida you can never count out Tiger Woods's

But I'm guessing it's out of sports and it's somebody else in public light and sort of guessing the name starts with a T and ends in an Ump

Or better yet, Jared Kushner

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