Monday, January 14, 2019

Take on the no nickname opponent

Trump has made a career out of calling his opponent silly nicknames whether it's Lyin' Ted, Cryin' Chuck, Pocahontas, Crooked Hillary or our personal favorite Low Energy Jeb! but for some reason he spares Nancy Pelosi. He does rip on her and often mentions that she came to him looking for money early on in her career but for some reason she has avoided the nickname. I am not sure if this is because he has a higher level of respect for her or if he's scared of her because it certainly didn't because she's a woman. I tend to think it's an example of him losing his fastball unless there are just not any good alliteration options with "Nancy"

So Trump, stop this silly shutdown and get to work, we need a Nihilist Nancy, Pillaging Pelosi or something else. Maybe he can combine two since they tend to travel in such a pair with something clever like "Chuck is such a Nancy"

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