Sunday, January 13, 2019

Take on Judge Jeanine’s terrible top

I've seen the Judge Jeanine-Trump clip a few times and the one thing that bothers me most is not his evasive non denial of contact with Russia but something else, something much more revealing. What bothers me is this terrible top she's wearing. It's like half tube top with this weird scoop down the one side and looks like she's wearing a sword holder over her shoulder.

But what bothers me more is that it kind of looks like she's about to pop a boob and considering who she's interviewing it would make it look like a boob orgy.
Lastly if there is an anchor who accidentally pops a boob let it not be somebody who has the personality of Mark Levine and the face of Joe Benigno.

So please judge, put on a less revealing and more appropriate top when speaking with the highly regarded leader of the free world...or he may jump you.

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