Sunday, December 16, 2018

Take on Rick the little Dick Santorum

Rick Santorum doesn't want anybody to see the photo of him looking like a child molester with Maria Butina. Sadly his desire probably has nothing to do with the fact he looks like he trying to jump her leg with his terrible combover and his three sizes too big suit. See Rick Santorum has made a career of being a god fearing American when in fact he was likely banging (male) prostitutes and spying on our country for Mother Russia while defending the sexual escapades of one Donald J Trump. This guy has run for President and somehow thought he'd win but because he's a low rent weirdo, nobody ever took him seriously and nobody does to this day
So Rick, don't worry about the photo, you're going to be remembered like a pimple on lady liberty's ass by the time this administration is done

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