Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Take on the Huck pretzel

Big Huck got herself into a pretzel today when she told reporters that Trump won't be looking for tax payer money to pay for his wall but instead would be looking for revenue from other government agencies...which would be funded by tax payer money. This is the problem with saying that Mexico was going to pay for it and that not coming through, if you tell me that we're going out for drinks and your buddy Jose is picking up the tab but when it comes down to paying it and Jose is having a siesta and your buddy had to leave and now Joe then bartender wants to be paid for those six Coronas and four Long Island Iced Teas, you are the schmuck stuck paying for it. If you then tell yourself that you are going to use your wife's credit card, if doesn't exactly work as anything other than slight of hand

But anyway, Big Huck probably likes to get herself twisted in a pretzel especially one that is covered in cheese wiz

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