Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Take on the presidential picture

I know this is a few days late but I feel it is TOR's duty to comment on the presidential picture hanging in Trump's office. I get why some dude would hang it in his basement bar or shitter but having the president hang a print it in his own office seems a bit...vain.

But what really insults my intelligence is that the artist took some real liberties when painting this thing. Ford looks a bit taller than he might have been, there is now way that W is still standing, Dick seems way too jolly but the most insulting thing is that Trump doesn't look like a gigantic stuffed pig. He looks sort of svelte which is an insult to anybody who has ever turned down a mozzarella stick Trump in real life looks like a gigantic bag of potatoes after having been punched silly by a kangaroo. His lumps have lumps, his face looks like a balloon right before it's going to pop and his ass is so big you wonder if he can sit down while standing up

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