Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Take on the ugliness of the Brett Kavanaugh

The Supreme Court justices are as a whole not a good looking bunch.   Alito looks like a dad who wears socks with his crocs, Sotomayor looks like she got her haircut using an outlet, Thomas' haircut starts three quarters up his head and ends on his back and Ginsberg is older than dirt.    Roberts is a normal looking dude with eyes that aren't symmetrical and Gorsuch has that stately look although you know he doesn't wear underwear under the robe and is playing pocket pool.  Kagan is buck-toothed and Breyer has a weird dick in the mashed potatoes look

I'm not totally sure what it is but there is something especially odd looking about Brett Kavanaugh.   The rosy red cheeks are a certain sign of a guy who likes his scotch at night AND in the morning, the bad toupee makes him look like a sex offender, the odd W Bush smile makes him look like he is a bumbling buffoon and his ears are like stapled to his head.  He looks like he uses mascara and he has all these weird pimples like he is a prepubescent 12 year old who ate an entire pie of Dominos.  He has three chins and his eyes are similar to those of a weasel which is appropriate considering his weaselnessie. 

It's time to nominate somebody we are not embarrassed of.   

Sent from my iPhone

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