Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Take on the resistance

So the resistance is coming from within the White House and everybody wants to know who the senior official is.

We out together a cheat sheet
It would be MadDogMattis as he's on his way out and thinks Trump has the intelligence of a fifth grader which is an insult to a bunch of fifth graders. But is think he'd wait till he's fired and then put his name on this thing....after he decapitated Sean Spicer

It's might be General Kelly who would have the ability to influence the most and has shown visible disdain for the president but it seems to easy.

It could be Pence who's choir boy image never quite meshed with Trump. And twitter thinks that his use of lodestar is a dead give away. I think it is just another official trying to throw us off the trail

Maybe it the Big Huck but she's likely too busy chomping down on a burger

It might be Ivanka but she's likely too busy powdering her bush

It could be Kushner but he is a winy wiener

Might be Miller although that would mean he had a decent bone in his body, which he doesn't have

Kudlow could be a candidate but he's been around for a week.

I've thought about the other secretaries but none of them have enough powder to influence all the policies needed to contain the president, like the interior or the EPA alone can't be enough. Maybe it's a concerted effort amongst them all, like Voltron.

So we think it is Kellyanne, the ultimate heel

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