Sunday, July 22, 2018

Take on the New Old Hoax

Trump can't stay on script for more than a day, give him something to read and he'll do it begrudgingly (and badly) but allow him time to himself and he'll inevitably fall back to his theories. See Trump can't allow the idea of interference break through his consciousness because it would start to show the cracks in the foundation of his greatest achievement and his fragile ego won't be able to stand it. He's been back and forth on this a hundred times -well more forth than back- and this week, and today specifically, was no different.

Last week Sarah "Big Huck" Sanders tried to show three occasions where Trump acknowledged the findings of the intelligence community on Russian interference but of course left out the hundreds of times he called it a hoax. Even in his speech last week, he couldn't help but try to throw out a couple of lines about it possibly being other people.

He's a fragile man child, the quicker we take away his toys, the better off we all are

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