Saturday, July 21, 2018

Take on Dan Coats

Trump called Dan Coates to the mat this week after the Intel Chief had an eye-roll moment after being told of breaking news that Trump and Putin were planning a sleepover party at the White House. You can't blame Coats for thinking this was an incredibly bad idea because forget about the wolf guarding the hen-house, the wolf was not inside the hen house. The Coats reaction wasn't shocking because people can't hide their surprise on their face when confronted by abject stupidity -or blatant treason. I'm not surprised that he publicly reversed course and groveled to Trump today as there was likely not much else he thought he could do to keep his cushy job.

The thing is, Trump doesn't respect Coats to start off with, so this won't help the situation either way and actually makes Coats look more spineless than he even looked before, so not quite sure if this was a good career move.

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