Sunday, July 1, 2018

Take on the FART act

Trump's policies stink and now we have one whose name stinks right with him
Axios published a leaked the United States Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act or FART act. This will allow the US to eat a bunch of beans and basically blow up the WTO at will which when you have a lot of hot air in your country's gigantic Ahole, it is not good news. Trump will likely sign it under the pretense that many other countries are taking us for granted and taxing us to high heaven. Of course Trump is a moron and doesn't so much as read the label on his toothpaste tube, so asking him to have any idea about the macro effects of a trade war is asking too much. But forget a nuanced knowledge, he doesn't so much have a basic understanding of any of it and we're all too happy to rubber neck our way to the start of a trade war.

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