Saturday, June 30, 2018

Take on The Dumbest guy at UPenn

For a guy who supposedly has the best words, Trump certainly seems to mess a lot of them up. For one, he doesn't seem to know there is a difference between to and too, today's tweet it's not the first time he has confused the two and this one he didn't bother to correct. I can't totally blame him as it took me a few years to figure that out although I'm pretty sure my nine year old hasn't actively made that mistake in two years. I know that Trump apparently went to UPenn which last I checked was an Ivy League school, which does make you wonder how Yale and Harvard feel about them being in their little club

What I'm wondering more often recently is how much did Old Adolph Trump donate to get Little Don his UPenn admission. And knowing the history of Trump donations, did they ever actually collect on it.

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