Sunday, March 18, 2018

Take on the NDA

Wait, Donald Trump has been forcing white house employees to sign an NDA and this is only the 20th most disturbing thing we've found out about him. First of all, I am not sure it's legal and the $10
Millions penalty not enforceable but you have to think that when you have to sign something like this, it's for good reason.
I doubt No Drama Obama made anybody do this mostly because he isn't a narcissist but also because he doesn't have any reason to do it.

But this does sort of describe why everybody that leave Trump orbit has stayed mum on the craziness from inside. Most even find their way back in his good graces, whether it is Spicer or Mooch or Lewandowski.

You'd almost say he's blackmailing them, where could he possibly come up with that concept

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