Monday, March 19, 2018

Take on Big Huck

Jim Carrey best know for getting less funny in every movie he's ever done has turned to art to show his disdain for he modern political world. I'm always weary when a Canadian tries to interject himself into American politics but in this case, Trump is sort of all encompassing.
Anyway, he drew or painted a picture of some Gene Simmons looking chick and everybody assumes that it's Sarah The Huck Sanders. I am not sure this looks anything like Big Huck because, well, this chick is similarly ugly but not nearly as fat. Yeah I know this isn't PC but that woman is really painfully ugly but to be fair, Sean Spicer looked like a wad of used chewing gum. I'm not sure why Trump chooses these incredibly unattractive people to be his face of his horrible administration for
the press. Big Huck looks a lot like her father before he got the lap-band surgery and then crossed with one of the characters of the Addams Family

But the Jim Carrey picture is clearly Kellyann Conway

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