Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Take on the old white Democrat

The Democrats just don't have a clue. They keep running old white candidates who have been rejected by their base already and hope to change their course. John Kerry is reportedly considering another presidential run which is about as appealing as a ham and American cheese sand which in white bread and topped with a glob of mayo. But this is what the Democrats are good at, getting the oldest lamest richest white guy and running them into a brick wall

I'm assuming that if they go this route we can continue to call Trump President

1 comment:

  1. Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren will all be running.

    They smell blood in the water coming from Trump’s orange carcass. It’s going to be a crowded candidate field, also with Bernie, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and maybe Oprah on top of that. Who knows. Maybe even Al Gore will think about it.
