Thursday, January 25, 2018

take on the Deep State

there really isn't a dumber concept than the idea of the Deep State, not because it's just a ludicrous idea but because there is an entire not-so-secret society of GOP lawmen and their media puppets have embraced this as their battle cry.   Devin Nunes is a weasel,  Matt Gaetz is a psycho and Tucker Carlson looks like a kid toucher yet all of them get prime time coverage.   I don't know if there is animosity towards Trump in the FBI, I'm sure there were people upset about his election since they are, well, independent people with independent thoughts and I'm also quite sure that if there was Secret Society, nobody would be texting about it on a very NOT secret FBI issued phone..  this is where this entire thing falls apart with the entire ReleaseTheMemo thing, it's based on one comment sent between two people which uses the SecretSociety phrase to try to debunk the entire Russian investigation.   Even RonJohn had to admit today that the phrase was likely used in jest but that didn't stop psychos like Tucker Carlson from screaming till his pimples popped last night for hours on end..

we now live in a society where our GOP leadership is claiming the intelligence and law enforcement communities are in the bag for the Dems... think about that for a second, walk away and kick yourself in the penis because that is what that idea deserves

oh well, american greatness is coming back which is good to know

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