Thursday, December 7, 2017

Take on Sarah Sloth Sanders

Big Huck was back on the podium today and somehow was able to shove her gigantic foot past her gigantic belly and into her gigantic mouth, or at least that is what I hope. She said today that Trump would be fine with anti-gay signs at restaurants which seems like the thing that would have been cool to say in 1957, maybe. This is the president of the United States saying that discrimination is fine and vile signs are ok too. Forget whether it's legally right, it certainly is morally repugnant but then again that is par for the course with this man and his posse of grime.
But what was also noticeable is how incredibly weird looking Big Huck has gotten, she makes these Jim Carrey faces without even trying where somehow her one eye dropped below her nose-line. It's really very disturbing. She looks like sloth from Goonies

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