Friday, December 8, 2017

Take on old Lindsey

When I first hear about Lindsey Graham he was just this dude who always seemed to hang it with John McCain. He didn't say much and you just heard that he was some Hawk but even that always seemed like overcompensating for the fact he lived with his mother and their combined 50 cats.

You didn't learn much about him during his campaign when he mostly spent time at the kiddy table but he did, at least, come across a sensible critic when it came to Trump.
As McCain's gotten older and more frail, Lindsey seemed to have tried to take the spotlight but it now seems his affections aren't for Old John but instead his eyes are now gazing right at the Orange Cheetah in the White House. He lead a failed attempt at repealing ObamaCare with McCain dropping his support like a hot potato, he went golfing with Trump and now he's hawking the whole Fusion GPS thing. He has officially gone off the deep end.

This is what happens when you get into Trump's crazy orbit, with the rest of the world starts running away, old Lindsey gets pulled in harder

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