Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Take on the new CNN poll.

I got an email from TeamTrump today asking me to rate his performance over the last year. The choices were a Trumpian voice between Good, Great, Okay and Other. This obviously only had one right answer and even that one felt a bit empty. Trump has given nobody confidence in his temperament, decision making, diplomacy, intellect, people skills, management style or statesmanship. The only things he has done well are post grammatically incorrect tweets and deflect attention away from his corruption

The best thing about the email was that it complained about the latest CNN poll which showed that a whopping 64% of people said they had less confidence in Trump than they did a year ago. Their complaint was that only 24% of the people polled were Republicans which -in their opinion- invalidated the poll

Two comments

- I don't think anybody in their right mind can think that he has actually done a great or good job, he's a walking disaster, so this would have to be a vote between Other and Okay

- I just looked it up and in 2016, only 26% of all Americans identified themselves as Republican, so the 24% included in this poll seems right and likely a bit high as many people see a fractured party divided between the McConnell tired turtle establishment and the Trump crazies

Anyway, I was asked to donate after answering "other" which I didn't do.

I'm guessing we'll never have this hard scientific poll see the light of day.

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