Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Take on Hannity

We wonder how the heartland of America was fooled by a twice divorced, morally corrupt, New York East Coast elitist. These are the salt of the earth type of people who represent all that is normal and decent, not asking for much, serving our country willingly and always anti coastal. I've thought about what appeals these people to Trump and I finally figured it out. It's that they are enamored by another fast talking slick New Yorker, Sean Hannity. Hannity blurred the lines just enough for these country hicks to believe he was one of them, even when he was pulling in millions on their stupidity. His lead in, Bill O'Reilly did him one better by dumbing down his program with those stupid text boxes next to his gigantic head but Hannity speaks to their soul.
These morons don't even realize that Hannity is playing them like a flute with his dark suits and pink ties. He's a complete lunatic or at least plays one on TV

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