Friday, August 4, 2017

Take on the last of the Mooch

The Mooch is really the gift that keeps on giving. He promised a news conference earlier this week which he later cancelled as he said he wanted to concentrate on his personal life and family. We took this to mean that he was standing outside of his wife's house with a boombox over his head playing Right Said Fred.
Then today, out of nowhere, the Mooch tweeted. At 4:38 on a summer Friday, the Mooch gave us a gift with a political cartoon that describes all of our feelings. The Mooch left us too quickly, he had so much more to give, so much more to say, so many people to kick in the dick.

The best thing was that the Mooch hasn't lost his sense of humor and it sounds like his confidence is back. So if you are a twenty something and planning on being out in The Hamptons, your future husband is likely going to be doing shots of tequila off of some coed asses, so you might just have a shot

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