Saturday, August 5, 2017

Take on another round

At 6:36 today, Trump tweeted that his three weeks at his golf club in the swamp that is New Jersey wasn't a vacation, it was just to allow some much needed construction in the White House. His is entirely possible but what was off was that within minutes of his tweet, cameras caught him playing golf. Now we have said hundreds of times that he should play all the golf he wants, truthfully we'd like him to play more golf and do less talking, tweeting, sucking, colluding and everything else under the sun.

But of course we all remember how he trolled Obama for years about his golf habits, so whenever he squeezes into that one pair of Walmart dockers, that nasty white polo and the stupid red hat, I just laugh.

I hope we are checking to make sure none of the guys doing the redo in the Oval Office aren't a. Inch of Russian laborers. Although with this administration, the Russian bugs probably come from inside

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