Monday, November 2, 2015

Take on the new Jeb

Jeb Bush spent the day trying to reinvent himself, something that has worked really well elk for Madonna but never seems to go real well for a politician. In politics you kind of are what you are, you can get better (or worse) at who you are but at the end of the day you are exactly what we thought. Chris Christie will never come across as a genuinely caring person, Donald Trump will never come across as humble and Ted Cruz can never shake the "I have a fifteen year old girl ties up in my basement" feel. The thing is that with a guy like Jeb who already feels as authentic as faux leather, this is the last thing he needs to do and if this doesn't signal to the donors to save their money and buy a new refrigerator, nothing will

I've often thought that days in politics play out in different ways but their results are as expected. Yeah, Trump was leading but nobody expects him to keep it up. Carson is leading now but we all expect it to come crashing down and at the end of the day the nomination will go to Rubio. Christie has no shot, Cruz scares vampires, Huckabee is already writing a book, Rand looks like he has a public hair haircut, Kasich looks like he needs to pee the entire time, Fiorina looks like a statue and Jeb is loved by nobody, even Barbara likes George jr. better

So get ready to welcome President-elect Hillary. We are so fucked

1 comment:

  1. Back in 1994-95 in college during like freshman year, my then stupid girlfriend, who was supposedly a big Christian (except in the bedroom), gave me Ben Carson's autobiography to read. According to the back of the book, it was a Christian-themed autobiography of a black guy who became a brain surgeon.

    I got about 2 sentences into it before I got bored, put the book down, and never read another word.

    Now, that guy is leading for the GOP nomination for President?? He couldn't keep my attention for more than a handful of seconds as a 19 year old when I was still open-minded, intellectually curious, and fond of reading actual books. How is this guy going to keep the attention of middle aged, white collar, suburban 40ish year old American males -- I.e., me (his target demographic)?

    Also, I hadn't realized Trump had lost the GOP lead. Thank you for keeping me informed of the news.
