Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Take on the carmines hand soap dispenser

Carmines is one of my favorite restaurants in NYC, the food is great, the portions are plentiful and the atmosphere is fun. The only issue is that when you go the pisser and you wash your hands (if you are into that kind of thing) you push down the soap squirted and go wash your hands and find out that instead of your hands sliding over each other in soapy matrimony they rub together in a friction filled grinding zone. You are dying to get back to The Titanic which is about to get hit by an iceberg on your table and don't think much about it.
Not until you get back to your seat and out your hand to your face do you realize that the soap you just washed yourBhands with is actually mouth wash. Now your hands smell like mint, your breath smells like shrimp scampi and the shrimp scampi smells like the he hands of a cook who washes his hands in mouth wash.


  1. There is a Carmine's restaurant in both South Pasadena and Arcadia in Southern California. I went to high school with Carmine Sabatella, who owns those restaurants. Both restaurants were founded by Carmine's parents, who named the restaurants after their then infant son.

    Glad to see that Carmine had expanded the restaurants into New York.

  2. I'm a big fan of the gumbi at Carmine's, btw. And the pasta rosa.
