Friday, September 25, 2015

Take on The Pope

It is really a shame these Popes are so old when their name is finally met with white smoke billowing out of the Vatican because there really has not been a better leader of the Catholic Church than Pope Francis.   
Regular readers of this blog know my feelings towards the Church which stem mainly from their systematic coverup of wide spread pedophilia by way more priests than they've ever let on.  This alone is enough for me to not trust anything that comes out of that organization ever but add to that their archaic stances on marriage, divorce, life and contraception and I never thought I'd gain any admiration.  Then we meet Francis and see how far humbleness can carry for a man of the cloth, his positions on every virtually major church issue has been a giant leap forward and we finally have somebody in the church strong enough to address controversial issues with a mindset that 85% of the republican candidates for president are not able to.   He shows compassion where others show anger, he shows courage where others hide in fear and he shows humility where others push only their  agenda.   
This is a man to be admired

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1 comment:

  1. Maybe cuz I'm not Catholic, but I don't give a fuck about the Pope's visit. In fact, I don't even know the Pope's name. You said it is Francis? I will probably forget it within 5 minutes.

    The last Pope whose name I remember was Pope John Paul II. That was like in the '80s, and I think he was a Pollack.

    The last time the papacy had real relevancy to the world was the time of Charlemagne. Since then, who gives a shit. It's just been one pope living large in his big ass castles and cathedrals from donations from impoverished people, and having bastard kids one after another. People are such suckers.
