Friday, September 11, 2015

Take on 9/11

Today we bow our heads, bow them for those who have lost their lives but know that they will never be forgotten and nobody has left a bigger impression on us than one Johnathan Southworth Ritter, the original king of comedy..   He made us laugh, he made us cry, he made us forget that being a homosexual was supposed to be frowned upon but he always made us smile.   Living with two women who pranced around in tight shirts and short shorts could not have been easy for young Jack as he tried to keep it in (his pants) but somehow he always made the best of it even if that meant breaking up the original threesome for a different –slightly worse- threesome and then breaking up that group for an even worse combination.   Because nothing was more brilliant than Jack and Janet and Christmas Snow and the Ropers and the Larry all drinking at the Regal Beagle.. Christ that was fun

We'll never forget buddy.. 

1 comment:

  1. This tribute to John Ritter is an annual tradition on this blog. LOL!
