Sunday, July 12, 2015

Take on El Chapo

When I read that the Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman escaped Mexican federal prison I wasn't the least bit surprised.  First of all he had done this once before escaping in a laundry basket and staying on the lam for nearly 15 years, secondly this guy is Al Capone, Scarface and Tuco Salamanca all wrapped into one, the chances of some low rent Mexican prison guard keeping him contained is as likely as the sun rising in the west instead of the east tomorrow.  This guy runs a global empire and employees dudes that break grandmothers arms and beat children, I doubt some $8/hour prison guard can stop from folding when his family starts feeling a little heat

Then I heard they broke him loose from the outside with a nearly mile long lit tunnel that they bore right through the shower, the ingenuity and planning it must have taken is incredible, so it tells you these guys had sophisticated tools and access to city planning records and were able to accomplish this under the shroud of secrecy.   

Let me tell you, if some crew of dudes with tattoos up and down their neck and arms start bringing out a bunch of bulldozers and start digging day and night within a mile of this prison, you'd think somebody would have noticed.  Where the hell were they dumping a mile's worth of dirt, what kind of drilling machinery and digging apparatus would they have needed?

But this guy is the baddest bad ass on the face of the earth, so he gets away with it and, truthfully, I was shocked when I heard the Mexican president say they'd capture him

Speaking to reporters Sunday from France, where he is traveling on a state visit, Peña Nieto avoided mentioning the drug lord by name, but he said he was closely following news of the escape of a man who has been among the most wanted criminals in Mexico and around the world.

Peña Nieto said he was "deeply troubled" by "a very unfortunate event that has outraged Mexican society." He vowed that his government would recapture Guzman, step up prison security and investigate whether any prison workers helped the kingpin break out.

I was NOT shocked when he made those comments from France where supposedly he was having some important meetings..meetings I suspect will take quite some time to complete. 

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. My Donald Trump dress shirt spontaneously ripped in a couple different places for no reason recently. No joke. That shit was made of cheap fabric. Dry cleaner pointed the torn fabric out to me and noted how thin the fabric was at those points in middle of chest and around the middle. Weird. So I took some photos for posterity and told the cleaner to throw the shirt away.

    Still, lasted a few years. Should have lasted way more.
