Monday, July 13, 2015

Take on backward facing seats on planes

As if flying wasn't treacherous enough, between the delays, layovers, shoe taking off thing and everything else about it, the entire experience just blows but somehow it may get worse if a seat designer has its way. Some genius who spent way too much on business school came up with the idea of rotating the middle seat so it would now face backwards to make more space. I am sure this will not result in lower fees but it would result in more irate passengers.

First of all you couldn't pay me to take that seat, if I am going down I want to be able to see the plane dip not just feel it in my stomach. Add to that the fact that you will now be facing two people who are facing forwards for the entire flight with no place to hide. How can you pick your teeth or your nose with somebody staring right at you?? The thing is that with this design, at least it is equal opportunity suckiness, it is not just the middle seat, somehow the normal seat now sucks a bit more, too, because you also have to stare at somebody all flight from the front facing ones. Think about a 14 hour flight where somebody is looking straight into your face which is enough to make you never fall asleep again

So we give this idea the TOR two ass cheeks down for creativity, ingenuity and concept basically because having to stare any anybody for that long sounds like absolute torture

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