Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Take on the Route 91 highway graffiti

Whenever I drive north of Route 91 heading towards Hartford one
particular sign catches my eye. It is an otherwise nondescript sign
for Route 91 but high above this four lane highway, some idiot spray
painted some kind of 9/11 conspiracy theory message on it. I won't
spend another second on the 9/11 was an inside job thing as addressing
it is not worth the paper it's written on but what is impressive is
how some guy was able to get up there to spray paint it. This isn't
one of those signs that is connected to a bridge or an overpass, this
thing is a free-standing sign which spans the four lanes and is easily
25 feet above the road. Not only that but the place where they
spray-painted it is not on the side of the road but directly in the
center of the highway.
I often wonder why this sign hasn't been cleaned since it's been
graffitied almost 2 years ago (I checked this out and there are online
mentions of this from the summer of 2013). Anyway, maybe the
Connecticut Department of Highways just appreciated the effort the
trapeze artist put into spray painting this...or the head of that
department is a conspiracy nut himself.

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