Saturday, December 20, 2014

Take on that sneaky Sony Pictures deal

When Sony Pictures decided to pull the plug on The Interview and
everybody including the POTUS got their panties in a bunch. I, for
one, am always happy when a lame comedy gets axed so they I don't
accidentally watch it on a plane one day,
But I do agree that crumbling to a foreign threat is letting the big
head terrorists win. But don't think for one second they this isn't
perfectly calculated because there is no way that they don't released
it at some point anyway kind of like that Malaysian Air plane showing
up when you least expect it loaded with explosives and heading right
to Des Moines and when Sony does release it, it will be like Titanic
meets Lord of the Rings in terms of record breaking blockbuster.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. "But don't think for one second they this isn't
    perfectly calculated because there is no way that they don't released
    it at some point anyway kind of like that Malaysian Air plane showing
    up when you least expect it loaded with explosives and heading right
    to Des Moines and when Sony does release it, it will be like Titanic
    meets Lord of the Rings in terms of record breaking blockbuster."

    I read this twice, but I really don't understand what this sentence means.

  2. Btw, North Korea just kicked everyone's ass on this internet hacking thing! Brought those smug Hollywood schmucks to their knees.

    It makes me happy just to think about all the embarrassment in Hollywood that North Korea's sophomoric prank caused. It's like something I would have loved to do back when I was in college, lol. A senior prank of epic proportions.
