Friday, December 26, 2014

Take on Amazon

Am I the only one who sees the irony in the name of the biggest
retailer in America? Amazon ships more crap to people's crappy
houses and I'm sure that they do more of that crappy shipping during
this crappy season. They ship a thousand things in a thousand boxes
so every time you click "buy this" on Amazon you are essentially
killing a tree in the Amazon. Obviously the boxes are made the
recycled paper but at some point you have to think that Amazon is not
only the largest retailer but also the largest consumer of cardboard
boxes. This morning we put out enough cardboard for recycling to
make a small village.

Drink up, the future looks like a smog filled hellhole

1 comment:

  1. I am going to the Rose Bowl for Oregon vs. Florida State, so I looked all over for a Burt Reynolds FSU jersey or a Deion Sanders FSU jersey.

    I couldn't find a single one.

    Amazon sucks.
