Sunday, October 19, 2014

Take on the immunity boost

When you write a daily complain blog, you sometimes have to find a way
to see the brighter side of things. Sometimes it's the fact that
seven people actually read your rants (hello CF, CN, OM, DB, SS, JM
and RL), other times it actually let's you serve as a public
announcement for the betterment of the world (uggs in the summer) but
mostly it allows you to find a place to get out your anger and I read
recently that this act alone can help you live longer. Supposedly
by releasing energy you can get a boost of energy like a bottle of
five-hour energy without the whiskey-dick, which boosts health and
increases immunity.
Who knows, maybe they'll find the only people able to fight off Ebola
are the ones who complain the most


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