Monday, October 20, 2014

Take on the 59 degree Polar Vortex

Is there anything more ridiculous than the way people dress when the
temperature drops below 60 for the first time in the fall? As
@ordiomongo pointed out so eloquently, people acted like the city is
going through a polar vortex this morning. I get not wanting to die
of frostbite but the different between 61 and 59 is only two degrees
but apparently also the difference between rational thought and
thinking you are living in an igloo
What annoys me most about this is that you sit on a bus next to a guy
wearing one of those Stay Puft sub-zero, artic edge puffy jacket which
means that they have made the conscious decision to invade my entire
personal space


  1. I also hate having my personal space invaded. It's one reason I can't stand full flights in coach. No matter if you are in the aisle seat, someone in the middle is crowding the armrest and sticking his knee and thigh over the invisible line that divides your leg space from his.

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