Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Take on the selfie

When I heard that Joe Biden started posting selfies I knew the entire
phenomenon was doomed. The way I see it when Rachel Rae, Ellen and
Joe Biden start doing something, it has lost all sense of cool and
should be grounds for divorce. Well not only has it been proven to be
lame, the American Psychiatric Association has actually classified it
as a mental disorder with an official name (Selfitis) and an entire
spectrum although so far no treatment. So not only has it become not
cool, it now also can classify you as a mental patient for doing it.
The entire thing has to do with low self esteem and having see
somebody near and dear to me take fifty pictures to be able to post a
single one to facechat, I can see the issues.

The spectrum goes like this

Borderline Selfitis. Taking three selfies per day but not necessarily
posting them to social media.

Acute Selfitis. Taking three selfies and posting them to social media

Chronic a Selfitis. Taking upwards of six selfies per day and posting
them to social media.


  1. What about running your own daily blog with selfies being posted every other week?





  2. The American Psychiatric Association should be the American Pussy Association. A bunch of pussies who can't diagnose or cure jack shit, so they make up "disorders" so that they have another reason to bring in patients and overcharge them for neverending sessions of bullshit.

    Personally, while on the subject of acronyms, I am a charter member of the Polytechnic University of South Sherman York (P.U.S.S.Y.), enjoy working with Title Insurance & Tax Services (T.I.T.S), and am also an admirer of the American Soccer Society (A.S.S.).
