Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Take on MadMen's Michael Scott

We've been huge fans of MadMen since catching season 1 on DVD right
before season 2 was about to start but this season 7 has really
started to be the suck. It's not just that the characters have all
sort of okayed out their arc and usefulness, it's that a show which
was smart, funny and weirdly timeless has become a basic sitcom.

Long gone are the compelling story lines, the clever and well timed
1960's references and maybe most importantly the captivating
characters. They've taken our characters around the world and back
and can only think to do it all over again (sort of like Don's trips
to California). We had compelling storyline a of changing times now
we have a computer, we had Roger Sterling at his best and now we get
Ginsberg, we had Don Draper advertising extraordinaire now we get Lou

Lou Avery is the guy who took over Don's seat both literally and
figuratively in the corner office and has turned into Matthew Weiner's
little Oliver moment. They have run out of ideas, probably have a
huge payroll of actors to pay and instead of going all in they give us
a guy whose entire character and storyline is like a long clip out of
a bad sitcom.

Between the wacky side story of the comic book, the two guys getting
caught talking crap about it while he was taking a crap, his
anti-hippy rant on patriotism and of course his over the top
managerial style, the entire show is now just the Office set in 1969.
They have the crazy ensemble with all the quack-quack wacky
misunderstandings and intertwined story lines

Peggy is the lovable loser Pam

Ginsberg can be the crazy Dwight

The sarcastic guy with the beard can be Jim

He little nerdy guy in SC&P creative lounge can be that doofy guy Toby

Cooper can be the fat guy in accounting

Harry Crane can be the little Spanish guy who is so misunderstood

Joan can play Jan

Ted Chaough can be that dude David Wallace from corporate

Angela can be Jim Cutler

and of course...

Taking over for Michael Scott is Lou from 1968. He draws wacky
cartoons, makes his underlings do outrageous things, dresses like Mr.
Rogers and then catches them in hokey situations. His managerial
style is 1960's, his heart is 1950's, his getup is 1940's but he's all
man..oh and he might be a computer turned homo

If it walks like a duck

1 comment:

  1. Sarcastic guy with a beard is named Stan.

    His character is always supposed to be stoned on the show.
