Thursday, April 24, 2014

Take on the Kansas City KKK dude

There is nothing that makes me happier than when they find one of these soap-box conservative congressmen get caught in a car with a male aid or one of these high profile anti-gay priest get caught with a male prostitute, so you gotta imagine that when I read the article about the psycho KKK guy who shot up a Jewish facility near Kansas City killing three (non jewish) people..
Apparently Frazier Glenn Cross who was then known as Frazier Glenn Miller was caught with a back male prostitute dressed as a woman in the back of  his car..

It just proves again that the people who rally against a certain group of people are usually ones who can't stop themselves from sticking their dinkies into them...  

I was also wondering why this psycho changed his name.. not like Cross is any more Hitler than Miller or whatever

God, here is to hoping he gets triple-teamed in the showers over at the Oz facility..although maybe he'd actually kind of like that..

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