Friday, April 25, 2014

Take on CNN

There really aren't any more despicable acts than what CNN pulled
yesterday I caught a tweet which stated "why does this 23-year-old
have 24 children?" and then linked the article.

The first impression when seeing the smiling guy in the accompanying
picture is that this is a out the NFL draft and this dude is Travis
Henry or Antonio Cromartie, some dude who can't keep his dinkie in his
pants but it turns out the article is a feel good story of 'families'
which were formed after the atrocities in Rwanda.

But why the hell do they have to dip down to NY Post style tabloid
style headlines to get anybody to click on it? We know that CNN has
lost most of it's credibility and now seem to be openly rooting for
another twist in the MH370 drama to stay relevant. But this is even
more sickening as it is so obviously meant to come across as another
knock on inner city black people, seems like you are trying to appeal
to the Cliven Bundy demographic. The tactic to get readers to click
on the link only cheapens the article.

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